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Are Hosting Services Next Up from the Googleplex?

Gary Price [PersonRank 10]

Friday, September 15, 2006
17 years ago2,466 views

In need of some weekend speculation?

Might a transferred domain be a clue to what might be coming from the Googleplex?

If it is, look for some type of web hosting to possibly be coming very soon.

Surprise? Not really.

The the domain name (not live as of today). was transferred to Google nameservers earlier today. The domain itself was created in April 2006.

It's also very possible that this is related to the "additional services" fee-based services mentioned">in a NY Times article about the release of "Google Apps for Your Domain."

One question. Will Google also provide hosting services to the general public or would this be a business/enterprise only type of service? A new revenue stream?

What's also interesting about is that it was previously registered to a person in Mountain View, California, Google's hometown. No big deal, right?

However, with a bit of digging we found several blog posts and mentions by and about this person on the Google blog (as an author) and blogs about Google.

Turns out, we think this person is a Googler.

So, in this case, it appears that Google had an employee register/hold the domain name (since at least the end of July) before transferring it to Google Inc. in the last day or so. Btw, the domains have always been registered to Google. They were registered in July, 2006.


Niraj Sanghvi [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

I'm pretty sure that Google Hosted Services actually is just to hold a spot for what is related to and later turned into which is Apps for your Domain. Also, Apps for your Domain is free, but they are going to supplement it with packages with more features that you can get for a fee. So it won't all be fee-based services.

It's most likely them just keeping options open for domains and also preventing others from misusing domains that are named similarly to their services.

Gary Price [PersonRank 10]

17 years ago #

Yes, that's what I was thinking but if you do a search for hosting and google you find all sorts of ideas. :-) that have been around for years.

Of course, both Yahoo

and MS have fee-based hosting services. In fact, Microsoft Office Live will register (Free) and host a site for you (free, limits of course). Fee-based services offer even more features.
This too, but I wouldn't be surprised if this will become a Live service.

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