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Off Google Topic: Context Aware App Research

gary price [PersonRank 10]

Tuesday, September 5, 2006
18 years ago2,452 views

Not Google. I just posted on ResourceShelf an article that might be of interest to some of you about contextual based information. It reports on research from IBM and appears in ACM's (a scholarly organization) magazine Queue.

Too Much Information, A Look at Context Aware Apps

From the abstract:
"Users often are not comfortable with others knowing what they were doing. Context-aware applications are the wave of the future, but many challenges remain."

This ACM Queue article was written by six members of the Thomas J. Watson Research Center.

From the article:
"To ground the discussion, we describe two services that IBM has developed and deployed over the past few years to help people communicate more effectively. We examine techniques that have proven effective, as well as problems that remain unsolved. The two services have a somewhat different focus. The first, called Grapevine, helps a person communicate with another individual using an aggregated and filtered set of contextual information. The second, the IBM Rendezvous Service, helps people meet and talk on the telephone. While people clearly do these things today without additional help from context-aware services, the goals of such services are to allow people to make better communication choices, engage in a richer and more valuable interaction, and waste less time in accomplishing their interactions, while providing significant cost savings to the enterprise."

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