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Microsoft backs Firefox

S----- S [PersonRank 0]

Monday, April 24, 2006
18 years ago2,193 views

If you ask me what the best feature in Internet Explorer 7 is, I wouldn't think twice before saying it is the Uninstall option.

For once, the guys at Microsoft decided that the Firefox guys had done enough to come up with a good browser. So Bill's men decided, "Ok, these guys have toiled hard. Let's do our bit to help them." And they developed IE 7.

With all its supercool features, IE7 offers you probably your worst browsing experience. I haven't felt as bad even about lynx, and lynx was a totally different kind of browser. With an interface designed to make you feel stupid, and with tabs that make you loathe yourself for using tabs and a host of other amazingly useless features, IE7 is your perfect recipe to spoil a nice week.

To describe it in a sentence, IE7 is the most imperfect copy of Firefox that was ever made. For example, previous versions of IE had the FTP browsing option, through which you can browse FTP sites as if they were folders. IE7 no longer offers that interoperability, and lists down files as Firefox or Netscape would do. However if you open an FTP address from a Windows folder, it launches the old IE style window. So Microsoft, why screw up a nice feature?

If you are thinking I'm being hypercritical, that's because I feel so bad about this. How can a browser take ages to open on a machine with a gigabyte of RAM? What can one say about a software which you are only too happy to uninstall? What is happening to / at Microsoft?

A friend described the feeling after uninstalling IE7 thus: "All along, Microsoft was good at copying other people's products and doing a good job at that. Now, they are beginning to do a really sick job even at copying!"

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