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Embedded maps gone from GCal?

Ace Ackerman [PersonRank 0]

Monday, March 15, 2010
14 years ago2,153 views

I use Google hosted apps for a domain (mail,calendar,docs,etc)... We use the calendar to schedule 6-10 people with about 10 events a day – we've come to rely on the embedded maps served by inside the event page – we print these pages out and give them to our guys going out into the field – the map gives them an idea of where they're going, and us an idea of route and other appointments near them.

As of March 1st, they stopped being embedded. Nothing at all shows up – just the normal <map> link near the 'location' area of the event.

You can click the map and it gives you a map but it isn't embedded anymore. This happens on XP,Win 7,OS X with FF, Opera and IE.
I've tried this on my personal Google account and still no map – so it isn't a Google Apps issue. No GCal Help Forum posts about this yet and it's been three days. Maps do not show up for past events (before 3/1/10) either.

Any thoughts or ideas? Did Google pull the embedded calendars for some reason?

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