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Michal Urban [PersonRank 1]

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
16 years ago2,457 views


sorry for bothering you here, but I was unable to determine any email to contact Google directly.

My problem is that I have a home-based webserver, a domain name ( and an email address on this domain (mail[put at-character here], gained via Google Apps – but when I send an email to any Gmail account, its moved to the Spam folder.

What should I do to make it work. Thanks a lot in advance .....

Michal Urban

James Xuan [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

Mark it "Not Spam" Soon enough it will start to work

Tony Ruscoe [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

That's worrying if Google's marking its own Google Apps mail servers as spam. What content are you trying to send? Something proper or just one word emails (like "test")? Also, how do you know it's any Gmail address? Could someone you're sending emails to have been marking your emails as spam?

I guess you could try setting up SPF records for your domain:

Michal Urban [PersonRank 1]

16 years ago #

These were three mails with TEST subjects and one with HALLO THATS MY NEW EMAIL, THATS COOL :) stuff :D ...

Ill try to send lets say 10 mails to my former gmail address and mark it NOT SPAM and we shall see ...

And Ill add that dns record according to the instructions ...

Thanks for the replies

Michal Urban [PersonRank 1]

16 years ago #

Well, Ive just added that TXT entry and mailed about 15 mails NOT SPAM, but the problem is somewhere else ... a mail with long subject and long text passes throught, but when I wanted to tell my friend that antivirus test was OK and sent him email with subject TEST and text All ok, good bye, Michal ... it was moved to spam ...

Well, is there anything I can do? In general, one-word subjects require long text in the mail body to be allowed to stay in INBOX ....

Tony Ruscoe [PersonRank 10]

16 years ago #

I guess if you send emails that look like spam, it's going to get caught as spam. All you can do is ask your users to add your email address to their contacts (which, as I understand it, will then force the mail to bypass their spam box).

And sending 15 mails from the same address in a short period of time probably won't help the situation... ;-)

Michal Urban [PersonRank 1]

16 years ago #

Lol, I guess youre right – I just wanted to know whether it changes the behaviour of the spam catching system ... or not! :)

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